CCText is a component that you can use to display advanced text boxes in a Unity scene.
You can create one via GameObject / Create Other / Text Box or by dragging the CCText script onto a game object.
a freshly created text objectCCText requires the game object to have both a MeshFilter and a MeshRenderer. These components will be added automatically if not already present.
The MeshFilter will instantly acquire a mesh named CCText Mesh. This mesh is used to display the text box and is not saved.
Setting a Font
While you can already write in the Text area, nothing will be displayed until Font has been set to a valid CCFont.
with font but without material
With a font assigned, the text sprites will be displayed, but as purple blocks. You need to
create a new Material and drag it onto the game object. Set the material's shader to one suitable for
rendering text, like Catlike Coding / Text, Alpha Blend. Then assign your font atlas to the material.
If desired, change the text Color to something else than the default black.
now with material, text color set to white for visibility
Word Wrap
Notice that the text is automatically word wrapped so it stays inside the Width of the box. The height of the box is dynamic.
The width is in local space units.
Any sequence of characters with white space around it is considered a word and is wrapped accordingly.
Words that are so long they are wider than the box aren't wrapped. Make sure the box is wide enough to contain all words.
If you don't want any automatic word wrapping, make the box just wide enough so it won't happen.
There are four Alignment modes, Left, Center, Right, and Justify.
The last option stretches the whitespaces in all word-wrapped lines so they fill the entire width of the box.
center, right, and justify alignment
Bounding controls how text is placed inside the box and how the anchor is attached.
In the editor, the yellow box indicates the caret bounds, while the white box indicates the character bounds.
The space in between these two boxes can be though of as the text margin.
The difference between both bounding modes depends on how far the font's characters stick out.
Constrain the caret, allow text to go beyond the bounds.
Constrain text so it never goes beyond the bounds.
caret vs margin bounding
Anchor controls how the text is positioned relative to its local origin.
The horizontal options are Left, Center, and Right.
The vertical options are Top, Middle, Bottom, and Baseline. The last option
places the caret at the baseline of the first line of text.
center and right horizontal anchormiddle, bottom, and baseline vertical anchor
Offset can be used to displace the text relative to the anchor. This is useful if you place the text on
top of something. A small negate Z offset can prevent Z-fighting issues.
You can offset along the X and Y axis as well for convenient caret placement.
Line Height
Line Height controls how high text lines are, in local space units. The default size of 1 corresponds to
the original line height of the font in relation to its characters. Increasing the line height introduces more
space between lines and decreasing it reduces the space.
Tab Size
Tab Size controls the distance between tab stops. This distance is in local space units, not spaces.
Text Size
There is no property for controlling the text size. You do this by uniformy scaling the Transform
component of the game object, which scales the entire box.
Chunk Size
CCText uses a mesh filled with sprites to display the text characters. The size of this mesh grows
on demand in chunks of sprites, based on Chunk Size. The mesh never shrinks, instead sprites are
collapsed and hidded when they aren't needed.
If your text content grows slowly but you know it will become large eventually, use a large chunk size to
mimimize memory allocation frequency. If your text content stays more or less constant, use a small chunk size to
prevent the reservation of unneeded sprites. If your text content always has the same number of visible
characters, use a chunk size of 1.
You can use a Modifier to apply various effects to the text.
See the CCTextModifier documentation for details.