Jasper Flick


Hi, I'm Jasper Flick, a Dutch independent software developer living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Catlike Coding is my business.

I write tutorials for Unity and the Godot Engine. I also created and maintain AnyDice.

I am not available for hire nor for consulting nor for any other business arrangement.

If you're lucky enough to find me online, we can communicate via tawk.to chat. This is for support or questions, not chitchat. If I'm not available or if you prefer to send indirect messages, you can send a mail to support at the domain of this website.

I am a Christian, born again, and Jesus Christ is my savior. He can be your savior too. You can ask me about this as well, but I don't argue, just inform.

Other online places where you can find me include Ko-fi, Patreon, Bluesky, Mastodon, reddit, Twitter, facebook and LinkedIn.