Catlike Coding

Hex Map

A series about hexagon maps. Lots of strategy games use them.

There is now also the Hex Map project, which modernizes Hex Map and uses URP.

  1. Creating a Hexagonal Grid
  2. Blending Cell Colors
  3. Elevation and Terraces
  4. Irregularity
  5. Larger Maps
  6. Rivers
  7. Roads
  8. Water
  9. Terrain Features
  10. Walls
  11. More Features
  12. Saving and Loading
  13. Managing Maps
  14. Terrain Textures
  15. Distances
  16. Pathfinding
  17. Limited Movement
  18. Units
  19. Animating Movement
  20. Fog of War
  21. Exploration
  22. Advanced Vision
  23. Generating Land
  24. Regions and Erosion
  25. Water Cycle
  26. Biomes and Rivers
  27. Wrapping