Catlike Coding
Unity Code Documentation
Classes | Enumerations
Package CatlikeCoding.NumberFlow


class  DefaultFunctionLibrary
 Default function library that is available to all NumberFlow diagrams. More...
class  Diagram
 NumberFlow diagram. More...
class  DiagramMaterialLink
 Link between a NumberFlow diagram and materials. More...
class  DiagramMaterialManager
 Manager for diagram and material links. More...
class  DiagramNode
 Node of a NumberFlow diagram. More...
class  DiagramOutput
 Configuration for diagram outputs. More...
class  DiagramPixels
 Container for NumberFlow pixel input data. More...
class  DiagramTextureSettings
 Settings to use for all textures generated by a NumberFlow diagram. More...
class  Function
 Base class for NumberFlow functions. Extend to create your own custom functions. More...
class  FunctionLibrary
 Base class for NumberFlow function libraries. Extend to create your own library. More...
class  Value
 Value object for NumberFlow diagrams. Contains all possible value types, but only one is used per instance. More...


enum  DiagramCubemapPreviewType { Inside, Outside }
 How to show the diagram preview image for cubemaps. More...
enum  DiagramDerivativeDirection {
  None, PositiveX, NegativeX, PositiveY,
 Indication of direction for derivatives. More...
enum  DiagramNormalFormat { DiagramNormalFormat.Automatic, DiagramNormalFormat.DXT5nm, DiagramNormalFormat.RGB, DiagramNormalFormat.ARGB }
 Format to use for normal maps. More...
enum  DiagramPreviewType { ARGB, RGB, Alpha }
 Diagram preview type. More...
enum  DiagramTextureNormalFiltering { Sharp, Smooth }
 Diagram texture normal filter mode. More...
enum  DiagramTextureType { ARGB, RGB, Alpha, NormalMap }
 Diagram texture type. More...
enum  FunctionType {
  Coordinate, Function, Input, Output,
 The possible types of NumberFlow functions. More...
enum  ValueType {
  None, Bool, Color, Float,
  Int, String, Vector2, Vector3,
  AnimationCurve, Gradient, Pixels
 The possible types for a NumberFlow Value. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

How to show the diagram preview image for cubemaps.

Indication of direction for derivatives.

Format to use for normal maps.


Either DXT5nm or RGB, depending on the platform.


Stores Y in G and X in A of an ARGB channel and omitting Z, which is optimal for DXT5 compression.


Stores XYZ in RGB, converted from -1..1 to 0..1.


The same as RGB, but also stores the height in A.

Diagram preview type.

Diagram texture normal filter mode.

Diagram texture type.

The possible types of NumberFlow functions.

The possible types for a NumberFlow Value.